Parts Identification

Will Screens & Things help me find replacement parts for my old windows and doors?

Unfortunately, the answer is a qualified “Maybe”. While we do know a lot about window and door components and are very familiar with what is installed in hundreds of buildings on Oahu, part identification/replacement is not the core of what we do. Let us explain. There are thousands upon thousands of different window and door parts. Many old window and door manufacturers are no longer in business or have changed their designs over the decades. Many parts look very similar but are slightly different, sufficiently so that they end up not working. We do not offer a parts research service as such. We can help in three ways though. If you or your handyman is going to do the repair, we can forward digital pictures to some of our large mainland wholesale parts distributors to see if they can identify a part. Sometimes they can positively ID a part and sometimes they may offer a best guess. In either event, special order parts from them are non-refundable and it is the customer’s responsibility to try the recommendation or not. Another option is to come to our Mapunapuna location and look though a catalog. Since there are so many similar looking parts, it is almost imperative that you bring the component with you to aid in your research. (The window roller section of the catalog has over 100 types of window rollers and roller assemblies.) The last option is to schedule one of our technicians to come to the jobsite to see if we can identify and replace the part. If we are able to do so, it is not inexpensive, will likely run into the hundreds of dollars, and we may or may not be able to guarantee the work. This may seem crazy for a $5 or $50 part, we agree. However, if the alternatives are to either do nothing (and live with the window or door as is), or invest in a new door / window, then trying the repair option, with no guarantee it will work and no refund if it doesn’t, may be the option you choose.

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